July 5, 2011

Facebook Status of the Week.

Growing up, I used to catch Transformers whenever I can and I of course, always dreamt of it being a full-length action movie. The dream is a reality but only the dream as a dream, not the substance of what makes a dream beautiful.

Sadly, what we grow up with are not what society's ideals are. Watching Transformers as a kid, the ideal was that good should triumph over evil. There will be bumps but if we keep the faith then evil's darkness should never be allowed to seep in.

However it gets complicated in society, what is right and what is wrong has been reduced and divided into this thin line everyone dares to widen the border and set their own rules for morality. All this is shrouded by notion that all these concepts are subjective and that it differ from society to society.

I'm not in a position to tell you what to think or how to react to progress or changes. We can ride it or steer it. One is easier than the other but maybe it won't make the world a better place. It's all your call.

Fikir sendirilah. Good night.

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