July 19, 2011

Wait, you were waiting for an update?

Aku banyak sangat social sites dah join.
Tak boleh nak kekal misterius dah.
Macam mana nak tipu juniors nanti time orientasi ni?

I went to chill at Putrajaya today.
Went to the mosque, the last time I went there was 5, 6 years ago?
Wow. After all these years, the place continues to amaze me.
It's seriously looks like the look-out point of Putrajaya.
All the buildings around it, the Prime Minister's Department, the lake, and even the palace.
I should go there more often.

UM won the Pidato Pengguna 2011 btw.
Congratulations Azzairi!

On another note, I did decide for a second today that I'd want to continue my writing, but this time for real.
A real series of short stories revolving around the same characters to develop and plots to twist around.
I finally had all the resource and ideas to proceed..
until when I searched for my desired title, Silver Spoons, I found out that the title was a title for a sitcom that ran in the USA a while back.

Damn it.
No title, no story, sorry.

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