August 23, 2011

And yet, I blog.

Because I've been using Blogger's Draft, I actually have been seeing wonderful stats, stats that carry the implication that people actually read my blog.

I have no idea where you people came from, but thank you :)

Honestly, I myself couldn't be bothered reading my own posts here. Too much clutter as is with my brain. Come to think of it, this blog actually does represent a tiny bit of my head. It's random and cluttered, its full of text, it's.. chaotic. You know, I just have to find meaning behind it all. Oscar Wilde once said that everything you see splattered on a piece of canvas is not a representation of the model but of the brain of the painter. I suppose my blog is my canvas and all the jumbled-up words are my paint.

It does paint quite a lengthy artwork  of myself, doesn't it?

don't worry, it'll get lengthier with the coming of my new semester early September, but for now here's the Facebook status of the week :)

Gasp. I haven't bought my baju raya and Raya is less than a week away!

I'm sure I'm able to find something despite my utter choosiness in clothing of special occasions. just to be safe, the keywords to be cautious about is "I'm going to look for a shirt for..." if this sentence is heard, you better think twice about accompanying me anywhere. The last time I said that, I took the bus from Shah Alam with Jubili to One Utama. We were terribly off schedule, the bus broke down. Plus side, we did find a decent shirt for cheap. Dark blue with light blue pinstripes and square buttons. I have no idea where that shirt is now.

Wait. I think I lost half of all my decent shirts I bought for the past year.

Clutter, clutter, clutter.

1 comment:

  1. You lost the shirt? What the F-... -_-''

    Just found out about yer blog, am in the process of backtrack reading.


Thanks weyh bagi comment.