October 26, 2011

Aku ada hal lelaki.

"where were you from?"

"Oh.. hal wanita."

Just like that. One statement and nobody asks a thing.

Guys, I'm sure you've heard this before. Women have exclusive rights to use this phrase. Guys do not have 'hal lelaki' or any sort of male-centric excuse phrase to be used to escape any situation, so we resort to lame excuses that are.. well, lame. We need something that wouldn't make us sound rude if we want to leave a conversation for a moment. Especially conversations with women. haha.

"My mother called" Uhuh.. Okay.

I'm not saying that women shouldn't have this exclusive, I mean the formation of the phrase is justified. Men need one of those excuses because we have lower tolerance to stuff in general, so an 'okay I understand you have to go now' excuse should be formulated to cater the species. no questions, no restrictions.

So yes, first we need to associate one problem exclusively to the male species. In this world of increasing fights towards sexual equality, that's getting really hard to do. What men can have a problem with, women can too. Perhaps something biological?


Susahlah, the problem with men are all up in the head, nothing physical that could be associated directly to the male body mechanism. Can anyone think of anything?

Grrh. Nevermind then. I guess men are doomed to spend countless hours of their lives just not having a solid excuse to get out of undesirable situations. I'll stick to my "Oh sorry, I have to go to the toilet again.. I know it's the third time, don't judge me."

Dah macam perempuan dah. hahaha.

Now, the question is.. pondan macam mana?

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