November 13, 2011

This was on the front page of Malaysiakini today

My only concern is..

Really, guys? you couldn't find a better picture of her?

If you're interested in the news, however, you can click on the picture if you like :)
It talks a lot about the formation of the program itself and also the cloud of opposition surrounding it.

I can only comment on a news-reporting basis for now. Malaysiakini uses the Perkasa in the headlines to play with the sentiments people have on Perkasa. This kind of publication, in my opinion, only gathers anti-supporters. Those kind of people who wants to support anything but Perkasa. They could have used any other bodies' name on the headlines but they choose to play Perkasa against Seksualiti Merdeka.. You know how that's going to end up for some people.

I mean, I myself have to admit Perkasa can be pretty annoying sometimes. So the relation can have the same kind of effect to a lot of people.

They won't anti-support Perkasa now given the huge implications of the other alternative, but the image sticks and future decisions will somewhat be affected, especially those on the neutral side.

I don't know, just my opinion. You can think for yourself.

How about you? What do you think about all this?

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