Of course, memang ramai tak suka. Memanglah, duit kita kan. According to them, people most likely to experience price hike are the ones who subscribe to premium content.
I may not feel the full impact because I'm not the one subscribing to Astro, but I'm sure my parents have something to say about it. They just upgraded to Astro b.yond late last year and they took all the HD channels with languages we could understand, movies, sports, etc.
Just no KBS or Wah Lai Toi.
However, I'm not sure why people are so worked up about all this. Can anyone remember when was the last time Astro increased it's prices? I have seen steady growth of Astro programmes by the year and they have been churning out new programs constantly, even created whole new local channels like Oasis, Prima, Arena, etc. They didn't really charge us for that.
Not to mention all the free HD channels that came with the upgrading of Astro b'yond.
Or maybe my parents would just chill out and pay the new prices.
My parents aren't really the type that gets worked up. Gula naik, minyak naik, they just accept it as a part of a growing Malaysia.
We have to face the reality, programs are not getting any cheaper, technology is not getting any cheaper. With everyone jumping into HD we can be assured that prices will only go up.
Even Astro said that content cost increased from RM760mil to RM1.3bil and cost over revenue rising from 29% to 35%. more on cost over revenue here.
If that's an indication we're embracing technology, then why not allow it? Astro needs to make money too. It is a business after all.
That said, a lot argue that Astro shouldn't charge us for shitty content. However we can't really put a price on creativity, unfortunately. As long as people keep on producing content (regardless of shittiness) and Astro keeps buying them, prices will go up.
Another complaint is that Astro can't seem to get around the problem of interrupted service during rainy days. Can't argue there but that's really the climate's problem. Astro's a satelite service, how that work is that the decoder in our homes needs to receive signals transmitted from the satelite. When clouds are too thick or contain electrical charges in them, that will surely disrupt the signals. I think. Logical enough, I suppose.
Now it's your call. If you're really not comfortable with the price revision you can go start something like a petition to Astro, though I think they would be ready for that. I know this will hit hard on some people, like students or the newly employed, but we have to consider all the factors that lead up to this. It's fine if you think it's unreasonable, but just don't just sit around. You can write to the local papers.
If you're up all against this price hike, and would like to show it, then you can actually join a Facebook page planning to boycott Astro during the supposed price hike. link here. I'd like to see how long that would last.
Oh yeah, the price hike would only be around RM1-RM15 per customer, with possible savings around RM4-RM14.95. Details will be announced mid-July.
On a side note, My house was broken into, I'm not sure when. Stuff just disappeared. Nothing but gold was taken. Damn it.
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