Okay. Sebelum mula post ni, aku nak ucap Assalammualaikum. Hai :D
OK ini nak cita sikit pasal Father's Day aku, benda ni berlangsung dalam 2 hari lepas.
Sebelum anything, bagi aku intro bapa aku kejap dalam blog ni. He's a very no-nonsense kinda guy, he gets down to busiess really well and really quickly, has a well-built body for his age, looks very intimidating. He has a scar on his face that looks like it's from a fight but really a cat scratched his face when he was younger. He likes to travel and laughs at political jokes.
Aside from good looks and a passion for big bikes, him and I have little in common.
Well let me get right into this. A day before Father's Day, the radio was airing all sorts of dedication and I was afraid that my father would think that Saturday was Father's Day. Of course, everyone knows its on Sunday.
Look, I'm not really the type that celebrates these kinda things, but my father however, does. During Mother's Day, he actually texted me to text my mother to wish her, which I did even before the text. Besides, my father is very diligent on these things. He wishes me during my birthday, on getting good results, etc. So hey, I'll accommodate, he is my father after all.
But lidah keras sikitlah, sama macam hati kan. That's the problem.
So he said nothing about it that Saturday. We went all around Langkawi that day so I think it just slipped his mind.
Or did it?
It really did. Saja suspense.
I was planning on wishing him right on the stroke of midnight of Sunday but he fel asleep a bit earlier so i ended up on his laptop until around dusk. I was supposed to wake up early, our flight to Kuala Lumpur was in the morning.
That instant I woke up that morning, I wanted to wish my dad but he was in the showers so I finished up packing and helped with loading up everything in the car.
So the whole morning was just a series of silence, about Father's Day at least. Me and my parents do talk regularly.
My father's friend actually sent us to the airport so that really halted the plan a bit. This means he'll be talking to his friend more than my mum and I. He likes to make people feel welcomed.
But I think I was too determined. Halfway to the airport, in a silent sac between my dad and Uncle Adul, I eventually blurted out
My mum looked at me. Confused as that came out of nowhere.
In my head I was all ABORT MISSION. YOU. ARE. NOT. READY.
But there was no turning back now is there.
"Happy Father's Day"
Before he had a chance to respond, I quickly extended my right hand. He took it and shook it. With my father's hand on my grip, I looked him in the eye and said "Thank you, for continuing to be the best father anyone could ask for 20 years now"
That was a relief. For the whole car and for me.
The people in my head applauded.
The people in my head applauded.
I wanted to give him the gift of knowing that his son, whom he raised for 20 years, can look another man in the eyes and tell him what he feels. Straight up. He has my back all this while and I just want to show him that I can take care of myself now*, thanks to him.
I think that impression will last longer than a shirt or a tie.
We spent the rest of the day old school. Getting him to buy me stuff.
Ah well, at least I wished him first and not Facebook.
* This does not apply to cash related independence
ABORT MISSION. Ok that's the funniest bit but this is a very warm post :) Glad you wished him. :)