December 17, 2011

The post talks.

As of late, I haven't been too much involved in talking lately.

Talking has been going on a lot around me.
Some I react to "Okay, valid."
Some, "Calm down, man.."
Talking and reacting to talking is quite a tiring job.

I've been struggling with words as of late, of course the conversations I keep pace but there are somethings you just have to work for before you can talk about it.
Like my criminal law lecture presentation last week. Goodness that was disasterous.
I didn't talk much after that, except for that evening where I took the whole one hour tutorial slot for my constitutional law presentation. hahaha.
I should have read the materials for the earlier presentation.
I fumbled way off tangent when was asked about the test used on cases for s 300(c).
Yes, I remember mistakes. I remember them well.
That's going in my exam answer ine way or another.

Naturally aku memang cakap banyak tau..
Namun, aku suppress la last weeks ni. Almaklumlah nanti termiss info-info exam penting kan...
Untung ada gf, aku cakap banyak dengan dia ja.

Talk is cheap, yes, tapi sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit ;)
Tapi bukit murah watpa.

Dahlah aku nak layan Snoop Dogg.

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